Heads Up for Healthier Brains
Ready to take action for the health of your brain? Register for this FREE education series.

For more information contact Shawna at 705-645-5621 or email pec@alzheimermuskoka.ca
Ready to take action for the health of your brain?
This 4-week series will teach you how to help keep your brain healthy and reduce the risk of dementia.
This workshop includes information about dementia vs. normal ageing, provides memory strategies and looks at the importance of proper nutrition, exercise, stress management and social engagement for reducing the risk of dementia.
Due to COVID-19, this course will be taking place online using the web conferencing platform ZOOM.
There is no fee to attend Heads Up for Healthier Brains; however, registration is required. A Zoom link will be sent to you once you are registered.
January 20 - February 10
1:00 - 3:00 PM
FREE Online Workshop