Other ways we support research

Find information about funding, letters of support, research recruitment and other ways the Alzheimer Society of B.C. supports research.

Dementia-friendly research event 2018


The Society funds research by contributing to the Alzheimer Society Research Program. Find more information about funding opportunities, eligibility, application dates and how to apply here.

We are also proud to fund local researchers and initiatives such as:

  • The Ralph Fisher and Alzheimer Society of B.C. Professorship in Alzheimer disease research at the University of British Columbia. The current recipient is Dr. Robin Hsiung.
  • The Alzheimer Society of B.C. Fellow in Clinical Dementia.
  • Dr. Mari DeMarco in her work on identifying blood-based biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease.

To learn more visit How we support research.

Letters of support

The Alzheimer Society of B.C. is happy to provide letters of support for grant applications and various other needs.

To request a letter of support email research@alzheimerbc.org, at least two weeks before you require the letter, and include:

  • Your name and affiliations.
  • Information about the proposed project.
  • A draft of the letter.
  • What kind of support you are requesting from the Alzheimer Society of B.C.

Please note that at this point in time we are unable to offer a letter of support for studies or ventures linked to pharmaceutical or biotechnology companies, marketing research firms or other for-profit enterprises.

Recruitment support

We provide recruitment support for researchers looking for participants, including people living with dementia, care partners and the interested public. We can include your study on our Participating in research web page, promote it on social media and share it with local Resource Centres.

To request recruitment support, email research@alzheimerbc.org with:

  • Your name and affiliations.
  • A copy of your ethics approval.
  • Information about your project, including clear eligibility requirements (ex. all people living with dementia, just people with a formal diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease, caregivers currently providing care, etc.).
  • A recruitment poster or a web link to recruitment information. Please be sure to specifying an end date for recruitment.

Other recruitment support

The Alzheimer Society Research Portal connects researchers with Canadians looking to participate in studies. These applications are reviewed by the Alzheimer Society of Canada's Research Department.

Please note that at this point in time we are unable to offer recruitment support for studies linked to pharmaceutical or biotechnology companies, marketing research firms or other for-profit enterprises.

How we partner with researchers

We partner with organizations and individuals in the dementia research community in various ways, including:

  • Collaborating on research projects.
  • Acting in an advisory capacity.
  • Assisting in knowledge translation of research findings.
  • Co-organizing events.

Current and previous examples include:

  • Collaborating with SFU Gerontology and the BC Care Providers Association on the Dementia-Friendly Care Homes Project. This project is working to develop best practice recommendations for dementia-friendly care homes.
  • Working with the UBC Centre for Applied Ethics to support their Visiting Community Research Partner week.
  • Partnering with the UBC Centre for Research on Personhood in Dementia to host a pre-conference workshop on dementia-friendly research at the Canadian Association of Gerontology’s 2018 conference.
  • Partnering with the Canadian Centre for Elder Law on the project Health Care Consent, Aging and Dementia: Mapping Law and Practice in British Columbia. This project on health-care consent was developed to explore the law, policy, and practice with respect to health-care consent for people living with dementia.

Dementia-friendly research

The Alzheimer Society of B.C. is committed to defining and promoting dementia-friendly research, a model of research that meaningfully engages and partners with people living with dementia and their care partners as participants, collaborators and advisors.

Learn more about dementia-friendly research here.

Do you have specific questions about how the Alzheimer Society of B.C. can support your research? Call 1-800-667-3742 or email research@alzheimerbc.org.