Leave a Legacy Gift

Your generous gift will help fund important research that could turn the tide on dementia and make sure support is available for every Canadian affected by this ruthless disease.

Planning for your charitable legacy

"I would urge anyone to think about putting something in your will...that really is meaningful to you in terms of a cause." - Caroline, from Toronto, Ontario. Caroline is leaving a gift in her will in memory of her husband and her mother, who both lived with dementia.

The brain is the most complex organ in the human body. While we’re putting new pieces together every day, a puzzle of this magnitude takes time to complete. Until then, researchers in the field of dementia need continued support for their projects. And that's where you can make a difference – by leaving a gift to the Alzheimer Society of Canada in your Will.

By planning your estate and talking to your family about how you wish to be remembered, you can ensure your charitable legacy.

The way to ensure your wishes are met is through a well-documented Will and powers of attorney. A Will provides an effective means for you to benefit causes that are dear to you, and a power of attorney for property ensures your choice to donate to certain charities continues should you become incapacitated.

The benefits of leaving a charitable bequest

What's in it for you? A gift in your Will has many practical benefits that allow you to meet your own, unique financial needs as well as your philanthropic objectives:

"I left a bequest in my Will to ensure that progress toward better treatments and a cure will continue. I'm so hopeful that a breakthrough will come."
  • It’s simple: Leaving a gift in your Will is easy to arrange.
  • It’s flexible: A gift in your Will can be made no matter how old you are or how much you have to give.
  • It has tax advantages: A gift in your Will is a highly effective way to reduce taxes on your estate after death.
  • It has a lasting impact: Leaving a charitable gift in your Will gives you the satisfaction that the areas you felt strongly about in your lifetime will continue to receive support, even after you’re gone.
  • It’s personalized: You can make a general gift, or choose to designate it to a specific program such as research, education, awareness or caregiver support.

Legacy giving information

Download our Will Planning Guide (PDF)

Want more information about giving in your Will?

Please read and download this Will planning guide, available as a print-friendly PDF.

Will document

Legal Name: Alzheimer Society of Canada
Charitable Registration Number: 11878 4925 RR0001
Email: [email protected]

Other ways to leave a charitable gift

Your legacy can take many forms:

  • Life insurance
  • Charitable trusts
  • RRSPs and RRIFs
  • Securities and mutual funds
  • Charitable annuities
  • Named funds

There are many different ways to make a charitable gift—our Office of Gift Planning can help you plan a contribution that meets your financial and personal needs.

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