All the latest news and stories about Alzheimer's disease, dementia, and the brain.

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Online national forum to discuss community alert systems for vulnerable older Canadians

British Columbia
November 8, 2020

Dr. Lili Liu and her research team from the University of Waterloo is hosting an online national forum to discuss community alert systems for vulnerable Canadians at risk of going missing, in partnership with AGE-WELL NCE, the Alzheimer Society of B.C., the Alzheimer Society of Ontario, Dementia Advocacy Canada, the Calgary Coordinated Response to Missing Seniors and several persons with lived experience of dementia.

Auction for Alz

Prince Edward Island
November 3, 2020

We’re hosting an online auction! As the holidays are quickly approaching, we wanted to create a fundraiser that highlights Island businesses and encourages our community to shop local for gifts this year.

Family first - Sandy and Bruce's story

York Region
October 28, 2020

Holiday Giving Campaign - Sandy Howie reached out to the Alzheimer Society of York Region for support and services after her dad, Bruce, was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Her dad calls his diagnosis the "biggest challenge of his life". Sandy said she is grateful for AS York's support.

Fundraiser will see family get tattoos

York Region
October 27, 2020

Theresa Laird, her mom Lori and her brother Steven will each get one of Theresa's dad Randy's favourite one-liners tattooed on them if they reach various fundraising goals.