All the latest news and stories about Alzheimer's disease, dementia, and the brain.

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A message to our community

Prince Edward Island
October 2, 2020

Our office and phone lines remain open. We can be reached province wide at 1-877-628-2257. We are accepting client phone calls and scheduled meetings. We are not accepting any unscheduled visits at this time.

Prof. June Andrews at Forget-Me-Not Breakfast

York Region
October 1, 2020

Prof. June Andrews, who teaches dementia studies internationally, is the guest speaker at the annual Forget-Me-Not Breakfast, taking place virtually on Nov. 7. She will speak for an hour, followed by a question and answer period. Her topic is Caring for People Living with Dementia in a time of COVID-19.

Join Dr. Heather Palmer for brain health tips this October

British Columbia
September 29, 2020

The brain is one of your most vital organs, playing a role in every action and every thought. Just like the rest of your body, your brain needs to be looked after. It's never too soon or too late to make lifestyle changes that will maintain or improve your brain health.

Register now - Digital Literacy Club

York Region
September 28, 2020

The goal of the Digital Literacy Club is to help caregivers be comfortable and confident around technology. This story was published in on Sept. 25, 2020.

Jake is racing to win and raise funds

York Region
September 25, 2020

Every time Jake Cowden reaches the podium in his go-kart races this September, his family will donate $100 to AS York. Jake's grandmother lives with dementia and funds raised will go to programs and services to help caregivers.