Living with dementia or providing care? Free support is available near you


If you are newly diagnosed with dementia, or caring for a person living with dementia, read on for helpful tips to free dementia support and get connected to the nearest Alzheimer Society.

Smiling woman wearing purple with a clipboard at a support group

From the Alzheimer Society of Canada’s recent Landmark Study, we know the forecasted dementia rates over the coming decades. By 2050, more than 1.7 million Canadians are expected to be living with dementia, with an average of 685 individuals being diagnosed each day.

The projections are alarming, but the study also gives us ideas on how Alzheimer Society groups, health-care systems and individuals can take preventative action to change Canada’s dementia future.

How the Alzheimer Society can help 

Whether a person is newly diagnosed with dementia, or is caring for a person living with dementia, the first step to free dementia support is to turn to the nearest Alzheimer Society. Alzheimer Societies across Canada offer help for people living with dementia and care partners, including:

  • Counselling, ongoing support and programs for people living with dementia.
  • Resources for caregivers of people living with dementia to manage stress and maintain well-being.
  • Connections to other people living with dementia and caregivers that can reduce isolation and build a sense of community.
  • Evidence-based resources and education to navigate a dementia diagnosis, learn about symptom management, enhance communication, begin conversations around advance care planning, and more.

To find support and programs in your community, connect with your local Alzheimer Society.

The role of health-care professionals and health-care systems 

Health-care professionals also play a crucial role in providing dementia support by providing vital resources and information throughout their patients’ journeys with dementia.     

That’s why we at the Alzheimer Society also offer a hub of resources for health-care providers.The hub includes tips on providing person-centred care, on doing dementia diagnosis and screening, on helping patients connect with First Link for free dementia support, and much more.  

Looking ahead, our Landmark Study also has longer-term recommendations for the health-care systems. Health-care systems can offer foundational support to clinicians who, in turn, support people living with dementia. Our recent Landmark Study recommendations for health-care systems to ensure dementia support is accessible include: 

  • Dementia education and training to clinicians, allied health teams, pharmacists, social workers, personal support workers and many other healthcare professionals who interact with people living with dementia.
  • The latest information on dementia diagnosis, symptoms, and ongoing care.
  • Better access to diagnostic tools and management strategies.

If you are a person who needs help navigating your local dementia care and dementia diagnosis system, your local Alzheimer Society is a great resource to expand supports. Find your area’s Alzheimer Society at

Opportunities to improve the path forward 

While there is still no cure for most cases and types of dementia, we can collaborate with people living with dementia and their caregivers to take a variety of positive actions.

Individually we can all: 

  • Support care partners within our families and social networks.
  • Grow our awareness about dementia and how it impacts people.
  • Donate to dementia research and enhanced services for people with dementia.
  • Advocate for our communities to become dementia-friendly.
  • Access programs available through our local Alzheimer Society if you or anyone you know is living with or concerned about dementia.

Regardless of your age group, from youth to older adults, improve your brain health and take dementia risk reduction measures: 

  • Be physically active each day. 
  • Protect your heart. 
  • Stay socially active. 
  • Manage your medical conditions. 
  • Challenge your thinking. 
  • Get a good night’s sleep every night. 
  • Have depression treated. 
  • Avoid excessive alcohol intake. 
  • Maintain your hearing. 
  • Find meaningful activities in life. 
  • Avoid all types of head injury. 
  • Adopt a healthy lifestyle by making healthy food choices, reducing avoidable stress, quitting or reducing smoking, and getting regular check-ups with your doctor. 

Learn more about these actions and share them with your friends and family at And explore the Landmark Study recommendations for individuals, health systems, governments, researchers and more at Navigating the Path Forward for Dementia in Canada: The Landmark Study Report #1