This month at the Alzheimer Society.
octobre 2021
Halloween on the Green Golf Tournament
Join the Alzheimer Society of Huron County for a fun day of golf to benefit a great cause! The event at White Squirrel Golf Club will include a four-person scramble, Halloween themed activities on the course, a personal wood-fired pizza, and costume prizes.
Paint Night Fundraiser
Join us for our Paint Night fundraiser!
First Steps for Care Partners - Virtual
First Steps for Care Partners Virtual Education Series is divided into 4 sessions. Session 1: What is Dementia?, Session 2: Adapting to Brain Changes, Session 3: Planning Ahead, Session 4, Building a Circle of Support and runs every Thursday afternoon from 1:00-3:00pm, October 28 – November 18, 2021
Dementia webinar | Focus on behaviour: Understanding behaviour changes
Evening of Education
Self-Compassion: An Umbrella for Our Rainy (and Snowy) Days<br />
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A negative inner voice can affect our emotional well-being, our relationships, and our experiences. In this webinar, we will explore resources to help cultivate more self-compassion into your daily life to help yourself and others.
Réseau de soutien virtuel aux aidants naturels
Ce programme mensuel gratuit permit aux soignants de personnes atteintes d’un trouble neurocognitif de se connecter virtuellement. Les soignants partagent leurs expériences, encouragent l’un l’autre, et apprennent l’un de l’autre.
Laughter Yoga with Cathy Nesbitt
The First Link® Memory Café Program on Zoom is run by Mosaic Home Care and Alzheimer Society York Region for those living with memory issues and their caregivers. Join Cathy to learn the benefits of laughter yoga. Tuesday October 26th, 2021 from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Overview of Alzheimer’s & Dementia
Learn about Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, how to reduce risk factors and how the Alzheimer Society can help.
U-First Care Partner Education Series
U-First for Care Partners Course October 26th, 27th, 28th, 2021<br />
U-First!® for Care Partners is a new education program for family and friends who are providing direct support to someone experiencing behaviour changes as a result of dementia or other cognitive impairment.<br />
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Connections First
This program is a 2.5 hour introduction to the Alzheimer Society where you will learn about our programs and services, as well as normal aging versus dementia
Financial Confidence Workshop
Learn strategies and practical advice, about tax credits, powers of attorney, financial planning for seniors and avoiding financial abuse.
Virtual screening: Dementia, Dad & Me
We'll explore one family’s unique experience with the progression of dementia through film segments from a personal, heartfelt documentary.
Virtual Caregiver Support Network – Province-Wide
This is a free monthly program that enables those caring for someone living with dementia to connect virtually and receive support. Caregivers get together to share their experiences, offer support and learn from one another.
Dementia webinar | Focus on behaviour: Targeted strategies for denial, paranoia, anxiety and shadowing
Positive Physical Approach & Hand Under Hand
A Positive Approaches to Care Workshop
Virtual Caregiver Support Network – Province-Wide
This is a free monthly program that enables those caring for someone living with dementia to connect virtually and receive support. Caregivers get together to share their experiences, offer support and learn from one another.
Next Steps & Care Essentials (Afternoon)
4 part dementia education series running from 1:30 - 3:30 pm
What is Aphasia?
This free information session about aphasia.
Qigong Exercise
Join us via Zoom every Monday and Thursday from 1pm - 2pm for Qigong facilitated by George Picard from the Village of Healing
Ambiguous Loss & Grief in Dementia
FREE Webinar that addresses the many losses experienced along the dementia journey.
Power of Music
Reminisce to your favourite songs in a small online group
Digital Book Club
The Kobo Digital Book Club makes reading and digital literacy available to everyone! It’s like a traditional book club, only it’s digital.
Young-Onset Caregiver Support Group (diagnosed younger than 65)
Dementia 2021 with Dr. Elizabeth Finger
This online event will feature a presentation from Dr. Elizabeth Finger on the effect of inflammation and its role in dementia and other brain related diseases.
Virtual Caregiver Support Network – Tantramar, Moncton and Southeastern NB
This is a free monthly program that enables those caring for someone living with dementia to connect virtually and receive support. Caregivers get together to share their experiences, offer support and learn from one another.
Dementia webinar | Question café: Responding to questions about dementia
First Link Learning Series - Understanding Grief
The Alzheimer Society of Newfoundland & Labrador is offering the First Link Learning Series online, at no cost, to continue educating people with dementia and their families on how to live well with dementia.